When ever possible, please print this page out and send with your
order. If you cannot print this order sheet out, then please
give us all the necessary information requested and enclose it
with your check or money order.
Important! Please make all checks or money orders out to:
Christian Andréason
the purchase amount of the CD (listed on the site) with $3.00 for
s/h. When you are ordering additional CD's please add the
amount plus $1 for each CD. If you are adding or requesting
a poster or photo print, please add $4.00 per poster or print.
Send to:
Wonderboy Records
P.O. Box
Texas 77402
1. Name of CD's requested:
2. Please let us know the quantity of CD's you are ordering:
3. Name of Posters or Prints you are ordering today:
4. Please let us know the quantity:
5. How did you hear of Christian Andréason?
6. How often do you visit his website?
7. What is your e-mail address?
8. Best phone number to reach you?
9. Is there anything you want us or Christian to know?
Thank you so much for your order!